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2023.10.27 English Let's go 8 evening of Halloween Celebration 🎃

English Let's go 8 evening of Halloween Celebration 🎃

It was a cool but nice evening with some observers from council invited to watch our fun that always starts with clapping of hands and stamping feet to the words of "if your happy and you know it...", then a book reading, Capu Capu song in English and start the nights theme - Halloween!

We did Halloween 💀 face painting to go with the costumes some had come dressed in and then went walking around the local houses to thank them for putting up with our noise each week and they all gave us sweets, it was lots of fun and everyone was very happy 😁

We also made pumpkin pies at the start of the evening, there was so many pies made that Rumi spent 2 hours cooking them all, thank you Rumi we ate them all 🤤

With the pies we drank pumpkin soup Vernon had prepared, which is normally made from the contents of pumpkin that you take out to form the Jack O'Lantern. To this he added some spice and tamato so it would be more like a witches soup, it tasted so yummy 😋 it was in our tummies as fast as the pies and everyone was very very satisfied 😹

See you next month ☺️






 ※ 当法人は学校教育法上の幼稚園ではありません。

代表理事 小川かなえ


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